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Personnal creations and shader programming learning

Shader programming always intrigued me beyond its obvious complexity. To me it looks limitless. Shaders are used to create FX, materials, post-process, etc... but it can do so much more.

In order to increase your art of shader, you have to practice a lot, try things and most of the time your mood is "I don't know  what I'm doing", at least when you start shader programming.

Shader Toy

I never had the chance to follow an concrete shader formation, but one day I discovered ShaderToy, which is a shader creation tool online with real time rendering on a web page. I followed some tutorial to start and I finally spent my whole week end learning stuff. Here is the result of my learning process after 2 days.

Click on the image in order to reach the website page with shader code and its preview


2D drawning and animation

2D smiley with distortion and looking at your mouse


Animated Hex grid

Tiling handle, UV duplicate on coordinate scaled for hexagons


3D scene

Creation of a 3D scene and a camera


Raymarching and primitives

Creation of 3D primitives and light management with Raymarching


Hexes field

Field of hexes animated by sound

Other Shaders


Dissolve And Outline

Done with Unity. I wanted the whole effect to be one shader withouth any post process

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